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8 Tips for Selling Your Commercial Vehicles

If you’re wondering how to make your listings stand out, check out Commercial Truck Trader‘s tips for getting more eyes on your listings.

Online research is crucial to many buyers today, which means that posting your commercial inventory on Commercial Truck Trader is a great place to start reaching those buyers. We have millions of visitors actively looking for their next work truck or van on our site each month, so you’re sure to get plenty of eager eyes on your units. If you’re wondering how to make sure your listings can stand out from the rest, check out Commercial Truck Trader‘s eight tips for selling your commercial vehicles:

1. Take High-Quality Photos

Photos have the power to draw buyers in, so make sure yours are the best they can be. Buyers want to see authentic photos when they are searching for listings, so do your best to avoid stock photography. We suggest including a wide variety of photos on your listing of both inside the cab and the outside of the vehicle. Take your listing photos in natural daylight so they are not washed out and make sure to use a camera that takes top-notch photos buyers want to click on.

2. Clean Your Unit Thoroughly

Make sure the truck or van you are selling is spotless, both inside and out. Buyers want to see their potential commercial vehicle in tip-top condition, so — especially if you sell used inventory — you should give the unit a detailed wash and declutter the interior before you take photos or invite potential buyers to test-drive the unit.

3. Be Honest About the Unit

For dealers who sell pre-owned vehicles, you’ll want to photograph and describe any and all dents, dings, and other damage the vehicle may have right off the bat. It’s important to be open and honest with buyers so you don’t lose credibility and, potentially, the sale. Buyers appreciate honesty, so keep that in mind when creating your listing.

4. Include a Price

Including a price in your listing is crucial. Buyers want to know this information up front to determine if your unit fits into their budget — which is something we can all relate to when shopping! We’ve seen that units listed with a price generate 11X more click-throughs and 8X higher conversion rates on Commercial Truck Trader than listings that don’t. This simple addition can make a big difference.

5. Put Yourself in the Buyer’s Shoes

When crafting a listing, or even when offering a test-drive of your commercial vehicle, it’s important to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Ask yourself, “what would I want to know before purchasing a vehicle?” and “what advice/knowledge can I share from my own experiences and expertise?” Providing this type of information is extremely helpful for prospects, especially if they are first-time truck or van buyers.

6. Write a Detailed Listing Description

While descriptions can be tedious to write, they are supremely important, especially for novice consumers. Buyers need your help deciphering how this particular vehicle is going to fit into their lifestyle — and you have the opportunity to be the expert. We recommend highlighting all the key features of your unit, the industry segment it serves (long-haul transport, last-mile delivery, towing, etc.), and how the unit may have been used previously. The more details, the better!

7. Include Relevant Keywords

Make sure to include keywords that are relevant to your specific unit — that way, as people are searching online, your unit will show up more frequently and higher in the results.

8. Respond to Potential Buyers in a Timely Fashion

We live in a world where instant gratification is the norm, so you’ll want to keep that in mind when commercial vehicle inquiries come rolling in. We encourage you to check your email and phone messages regularly so you can respond to an interested buyer quickly after being contacted. Buyers can move fast, so they will likely move along to another listing if you don’t respond in a timely fashion.

Conclusion: We hope that these 8 tips have helped you realize that selling your truck or van doesn’t have to be difficult. If you follow these tips, you’ll have an even higher chance of getting more eyes on your listing!

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